Man and woman having lunch

Your Guides

Sharon and David work with women and men who feel ready for something better to come into their lives. If this is you, you may not know exactly what that is but perhaps you want to feel more confident, deepen your relationship with self, or just feel more healthy and energetic.

Are you looking for answers... the truth of who you really are?

Sharon and David create a safe and welcoming space to reset your life and reconnect with what your heart and soul really desires - Mind, Body and Spirit.

Sharon's Story

Genuine, aware and grounded Sharon has been working with people of all ages in one on one and group sessions for over 20 years. Sharon is passionate in supporting people to find freedom from emotional pain and limiting beliefs and be the very best they can be.

She calls on her vast experience running her own workshops for many years as well as facilitating live and online workshops for The Journey. Sharon is available for private sessions at Wind Spirit and online.

Woman sitting on couch
Man smiling


David holds a space that is both gentle and powerful. His deep wisdom and intuition after many years on the spiritual path brings a deep embrace for the retreats, allowing our guests to feel safe, nurtured and held. He is also a Certified Journey Practitioner offering emotional release processes as part of the retreats.

Read David's story

Yoshi & Juno

Our little temple dogs, Yoshi is our Yin and Juno our Yang. They are both Beagliers - a cross of Beagle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

They absolutely adore each other and they are certainly an integral part of our life, of Wind Spirit and our retreats. It has often been said that it just wouldn’t be the same without them!

Two dogs on grass

The Wind Spirit Story

The move to northern NSW was never planned as David and I were both happy with our lives in Sydney. However, one day as we drove along a narrow country lane, high up on a mountain in the beautiful Byron Bay hinterland, we were stopped by a herd of goats that wouldn’t let us pass.

A big 'For Sale' sign stood proud behind the lead goat and without thinking David called the number and arranged a viewing of the land.

Woman standing next to sign

Feel the call

Experience the timeless tranquillity of the Wind Spirit Sanctuary, bathe in the beauty the pristine rainforest while the energy of the ancient caldera awakens your spirit

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What Others Say

Discover the impactful stories from guests who have experienced
Wind Spirit Retreats

Thanks for creating such a beautiful safe, gentle, sacred space for my daughter and I to experience a personal retreat at Wind...
Thanks for creating such a beautiful safe, gentle, sacred space for my daughter and I to experience a personal retreat at Wind Spirit. Its hard to put into words just what we have received from our time together in your beautiful home cradled by the ancient volcanic caldera within the Tweed hinterland, and lovingly tended with great care and heart centred presence by you both. When my 22 year old daughter approached me with the desire to go on a retreat together, after a year of great change for our family navigating through separation after 30 years of marriage. I felt so very grateful that life responded to our desire to find something suitable with an email from Sharon in my inbox. We were welcomed as family and very gently and gracefully invited to explore what was wanting to be surrendered so that we could restore, rebalance and reconnect with our true nature and find a new loving harmonic within our relationship to ourselves and each other. We were nourished by time to relax and replenish, the emerald green beauty of nature, delicious vegetarian food, Journey processes and kahuna massage in the Forest Temple. I emerged from the retreat feeling a greater sense of trust in myself and my placement within life and with a focus on opening to receive all forms of support beyond the previous limits I had set for myself. I released old stories of pain, struggle, hardship from the past into the transformative volcanic ground of Wind Spirit opening to remember the ease, comfort and flow that can be found waiting patiently within our own centre. While I know life will continue to show up in its natural rhythm of ease and intensity and everything in between, I leave with tools to support me to connect with the steadiness and trust within that can support me to move through challenge with ease and stay open present and listening to how best to respond to life from my heart and soul rather than from the fear, judgment, worry and concern of my overactive highly imaginative thinking mind. Thank you for re-MINDING me. Much love and gratefulness.
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For my birthday, I was gifted a private retreat with Sharon and David at Wind Spirit. Sometimes we don’t know the pilgrimage we...
For my birthday, I was gifted a private retreat with Sharon and David at Wind Spirit. Sometimes we don’t know the pilgrimage we have undertaken until we are in it; nor do we know what we’ve been longing for until we are nurtured back into our hearts. I came to Wind Spirit to mark the end of the first year of grieving my mother. From the way the black cockatoos greeted me on my arrival, to the running of my baths, to the tea served to me under the moonlight, to the icy thrashing of the waterfall on my back, to the movement each morning facing the mountain, to the spiral walk in the dark, to the fire ceremony, I experienced deep rest and restoration, nurtured by David and Sharon’s gentleness and holding. Every meal was a mindful sustenance of deliciousness. Over this time, I was softened by dogs, baths, spirals, pumpkin soup picnics, a waterfall and a deep healing journey back to the child. So much heralding, dreaming and joy entered me here. What a sacred, generous offering this is. I feel blessed to have experienced the wonder of this private retreat hosted by these special humans and the spirits of the land.
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I am heading home from Wind Spirit Retreat so much lighter and with so much more hope then when I arrived. My dear friend booked...
I am heading home from Wind Spirit Retreat so much lighter and with so much more hope then when I arrived. My dear friend booked me into the private retreat at Wind Spirit because it was her belief that my breast cancer which began in January 2020 and progressed to stage 4 in October last year was not releasing its grip because I was emotionally unable to heal. I came to the retreat with a mentality of gratitude for my friends love and concern but with such heaviness about my cancer and its prognosis. I arrived feeling very much like cancer had taken the light and the joy from my life. On the first night of the retreat wrapped in blankets under the stars and the gaze of the awesome majesty of the mountains, David and Sharon invited me to share in a meditation to be open and trust in order to heal and to let go. I found myself with tears running down my face and no idea why I was crying in front of people I had just met at the top of a mountain! What my body and soul knew was that this retreat was exactly where I needed to be. I had three journey processes - each time I was uncertain what to expect and if anything would even happen - all I can say was what happened to me was profound on so many levels and gave me a deep sense of peace and even a sense of physical lightness - I have felt neither of these emotions for a long time and so it is with intense gratitude that I thank you Sharon and David for the creation of this amazing, scared healing space and the love and care you have shown to me in the last 4 days. I fell in love with this place on so many levels - the food was amazing, and my gut which has been in turmoil from 14 months of cancer treatment felt so much better by my last day here. I fell in love with the beauty, the solitude, with the space to reconnect to what is important in life. I fell in love with Yoshi (Sharon and David’s dog and the real “ owner” of Wind Spirit!) Yoshi did not leave my side and gave me immense comfort. The love that David and Sharon have for their guests and for this place is so palpable and I cannot believe how this place has weaved its healing magic upon me- mentally, physically and spiritually. Thank you, thank you and thank you. ’til next time.
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My wife and I arrived at Sharon and David’s Wind Spirit Retreat with few expectations but with some trepidation about exploring...
My wife and I arrived at Sharon and David’s Wind Spirit Retreat with few expectations but with some trepidation about exploring “beneath the surface” through Journey Work. From the moment we drove into their magnificent property, both Sharon and David made us feel welcome and at home. Nothing was any trouble, and the burdens of our city life were immediately lifted off our shoulders. The accommodation is pristine, the food is outstanding, and views over the valley towards Mount Warning are breathtaking. Even though there were activities planned each day, nothing felt rushed, and time began to slow down for us. Meditation, yoga, dancing, an outside bath, strolling through the grounds, exploring the waterfalls, and star gazing while sitting around an outdoor fire. But what opened me up the most and will have a lifelong impact for me was the “Journey Work”. I immediately felt comfortable with David’s professionalism as my practitioner, and through his gentle mentoring I was able to explore the roots of some very complex feelings. The process was nothing short of magical for me and I cannot recommend it enough. Thank you, Sharon and David, for a very special three days and nights. Both my wife and I will always cherish this time that we spent with you at your retreat. We are forever grateful.
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Dr Gary MD

I recently completed a private retreat at Wind Spirit and would highly recommend it to anyone who is wanting real change in their...
I recently completed a private retreat at Wind Spirit and would highly recommend it to anyone who is wanting real change in their life. Sharon and David were incredible hosts, ensuring that every detail was thought out; from the beautiful accomodation, the organic products and food, the evening fire, right down to the music they chose for the activities. They even supplied a gorgeous dog to cuddle, Yoshi, who just melted my heart. I came away from these wonderful, relaxing days with a new sense of being, and a knowing that my life will never be the same. The path I am now walking is one of calmness, connection and being present to all that is around me.Thank you both Sharon and David for opening up your beautiful home/property and allowing me the space and grace for this change.
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My experience at Wind Spirit was a very magical one. Effortless, graceful and extremely healing. As a first personal and solo...
My experience at Wind Spirit was a very magical one. Effortless, graceful and extremely healing. As a first personal and solo retreat, I was excited to have a different experience and had no expectations. From the moment I arrived I felt my process begin, and Sharon, David and I fell into what was a very rich, connected and sacred 3-day journey. I especially loved how present we all were, moving from moment to moment together, allowing the retreat to unfold. An elicitation on day 1 revealed some very old grief and trauma which was finally completely processed and integrated whilst at Wind Spirit. I am so grateful and have been feeling a deeper sense of peace, inner joy and greater love in all aspects of my life. Sharon and David are incredible healers and together provide a deeply nourishing, therapeutic and magnificently held space. The surrounds are stunningly beautiful - Mt Burrell, The Caldera and all the elements created a richness and depth of connection for myself and life. I would recommend Wind Spirit to everyone. Anything and everything is on offer…a beautiful getaway, deep rest, sacred circle, ceremonial practices, emotional and physical body work, delicious and nutritious meals, walks in nature, uplifting conversation and whatever is individually required. Thank you both for the blessing of an exquisite and powerful retreat. I can’t wait to join you again.
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