Juice Detox Retreat
If you are wanting more from life… a vibrantly healthy body, clear mind and free spirit… or simply yearning to deepen your own healing journey, then join Sharon and David for an unforgettable life-enhancing multi-day Juice Detox in the sacred Wollumbin Caldera.
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Inspiration from the Juice Detox Retreat
Upcoming Juice Detoxes
Reserve your place for one of our upcoming juice detox retreats. Hurry, as places fill up fast.
Our Unique 3-Pronged Approach
The cleanse gives your digestive system a well-earned rest so that energy can be used elsewhere in the body to repair, replenish and regenerate.
The nutrients found in fresh organic juice build your immune system, rebalance your nervous system and assist with many health conditions. Fresh juice releases vitamins and minerals in a highly absorbable form and is loaded with antioxidants to further protect your body. Juice feasting is a truly nourishing and nurturing cleanse.
Alternatively, you may choose to incorporate a few days of water fasting into your detox to get the added benefits of autophagy and stem cell production that water fasting enables.
Whatever path you choose your body will love you for it and it is the first step to the healthy vibrant life you deserve.

The mind can sabotage even our best attempts at living our purpose, honouring our body and really showing up in life the way we want.
Emotional blocks and limiting beliefs can hold us captive our whole lives and without shifting the deeper internal patterning we can't attain the change we want by physical cleansing alone.
Journey therapy is a major component of our Body, Mind, Spirit Cleanse. It cleanses the mind of silent saboteurs and old outmoded internal programmes, paving the way for deeper cleansing and true opening to spirit.
The whole cleanse is imbued with the high frequency energy of the Wollumbin Caldera. Shamanic principles are gently woven into the retreat through ceremony and ritual. We encourage you to experience the magical spaces in nature that make Wind Spirit so special.
As the body and being cleanses and the cacophony of life melts away, the opportunity exists to open into the present moment.
This subliminal or dreaming space is the gateway. It gently welcomes you deeper into spacious awareness, where you can finally hear the call of your own soul.

What To Expect
You are encouraged to undergo a Pre-Retreat Cleanse to prepare your body for the deeper cleansing we will do at Wind Spirit.
This involves stopping any addictive substances that could cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms during the cleanse, such as cigarettes, alcohol, coffee.
Sharon will have a one on one naturopathic session with you over Zoom to check in on your specific needs and intentions for the cleanse and guide you during the two weeks prior to coming.

Day 1: Welcome and Connect
Welcome to your home for the next five days; settle in, explore, connect with the land and each other.
This first evening starts with a sharing circle in the Forest Temple and a guided meditation, opening you to get crystal clear on your intentions for the cleanse, so your body and being can prepare and relax and enjoy the magic of this beautiful place.

Day 2: Your Body Exhales
For the next four days we detox the body with water, juices, broths, herbal teas and gentle cleansing drinks. You realise it is time to live the life you choose, honouring your body for the amazing creation that it is.
Through powerful practices, Journey work and ceremonies you reveal and release the insidious weeds of the unconscious ways you have limited yourself.
You feel your life force surging through your body as you discover the inner courage to safely embody and live your deepest calling. Your body feels safe…it stretches and exhales!

Day 3: Your Mind Softens
Waking up to the gentle call of the sweetest birdsong, you emerge to witness the vast open sky embracing the caldera. As you take in the exquisite and expansive beauty of the valley far below you are aware that your mind is softening, becoming deliciously peaceful and quiet. You become aware of the silent saboteurs that have hijacked your mind and held you back from realising your true path.
As the day gently yet powerfully unfolds you gain a new found sense of self. A deepening inner quiet suffuses you as the background cacophony of normal life seems to melt away. You are aware that you haven’t felt like this for a very long time.
By evening your mind willingly lets go and you gratefully merge with your own limitless potential cradled in the loving embrace of the vast pristine sky filled with a million sparkling stars.

Day 4: Emotional Awakening
As the physical cleanse continues you feel yourself softly welcoming and experiencing old emotions, and surrendering to a deeper truth. You enter sacred space.
As the energetic toxicity of past pain is released you open into the juice of life - joy, unconditional love, gratitude, humility, compassion - so you can let this divine energy guide your life.
You feel the old ways draining away, while the inner stirrings of a new way forward with self-belief, resilience and joy feel accessible and real.
In one powerful final fire ceremony under the dazzling night sky, you fully claim and embody your new-found freedom and passion, as you feel it vibrate with possibility in every cell of your body.
A surge of utter knowing curses through your entire being and you have the most magnificent feeling that your life will never be quite the same again.

Day 5: Walking the Path
You are aware that your fears, anxieties and tired old ways of being are melting away. A clear future vision emerges for your body, mind and spirit, where your unique life force guides you confidently and creatively, on an exciting and welcoming new path.
Your heart opens with the fiery glow of pre-dawn as you stand high above the misty valley far below. You feel your soul stirring with a new sense of purpose and passion for life.

Day 6: A NEW Start
On this last morning we gently re-introduce you to whole food, allowing your digestive system to wake up, ready for the pleasures of a delicious lunch before departing. The morning includes a final integration in the Magical Meander followed by a meditation and sharing circle in the Forest Temple bringing the retreat to a close... but you smile as you realise that this is just the beginning…

This retreat is totally for you if
You want a healthy, loving relationship with your body
You want to look and feel lighter and more energised
You are looking for a whole new perspective on life and how to live it
You are sick and tired of old sabotaging beliefs and mind chatter
You want to be comfortable in your own body
You want to develop an inner confidence that will bring more joy and fulfilment to your life
You feel excited, even a little nervous about this retreat

What's Included
Prior to the retreat, we'll connect with you through a pre-retreat Zoom session. This personalised call helps us understand your goals, ensuring a tailored and optimal experience that caters to your specific needs
- Luxurious accomodation
- Pre-retreat naturopathic session
- Organic, cold-pressed juices, alkalising broths, and herbal teas
- Daily mindful body movements
- Daily guided meditations
- Bush walks and waterfall immersion
- Satsang
- Energetic practices
- Daily discussions on detox, mind/ego blocks, and nutrition
- Iridology/Sclerology consults
- Infrared sauna and ice bath
- Magnesium pool
- Moon bath
- One Journey process per week
- Kahuna Massage 1.5 hours ($150)
- Foot Reflexology 1 hour ($120)
- Spirit Reading ($120)
- Additional Journey Processes ($300)
- Full Naturopathic consultation with iridology/sclerology session ($250)
- Airport pick up and drop off ($50 each way)
Jen's Experience
Spoken from the heart.
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