Published on
August 25, 2024

Since going through my six day water fast in July a few things have definitely changed for me.

Firstly my tastebuds!
It’s really strange but foods that I have literally hated my whole life are now really enjoyable. I love my food and there are very few foods I don’t like ... but one of them was fermented foods. Yuck!!!

Not any more!!!

I came out of the water fast and had a crazy yearning for miso!
I have despised miso since I went to Japan at 18 years old as an exchange student. The first foods I was offered were miso and sushi. Now for a girl from country Australia in the 70’s who had eaten nothing but meat and three veg her whole life, it was definitely a step too far for a first foray into Japanese cuisine.

Maybe I was a bit homesick… or maybe the sub-zero temperature was too far removed from the sweltering January heat of the week before... and just maybe there was a bit of a negative, subconscious conditioning happening in those first few days, and I got internally programmed with a deep repulsion for miso and sushi. Overtime it spread to anything fermented or vaguely tasting of vinegar.

Fast forward to post water fast and my taste buds have certainly reset!

Science says that after 3 days on a water fast the immune system and the actual digestive system reset themselves, so it makes total sense to me that I am now having a sweet love affair with sauerkraut, kimchi and miso, all of which are super healthy for the microbiome and gut function. And… I’ve got to say, my digestive system is working like clockwork!!!

So if you have SIBO, IBS or any gut dysbiosis, and if you have tried everything else, consider doing a short water fast to shift the internal environment and have a happy gut.

The other thing is my post-fast blood test. I was pretty good before the fast but one thing that has markedly improved is my homocysteine level. This a vital marker in cardiovascular disease and with my genetics and my past level way too high it is a great relief to have my homocysteine down to a super healthy seven.

So all in all I am feeling really well. I have nearly put back the seven kilos I lost, hopefully with a higher quality lean muscle than before and less visceral fat around my organs. My improved energy and well-being certainly indicates this.

All in all, would I do it again??? Yes! If I had a real reason such as needing a deep reset to my health, my digestion or immune system or if I was chronically unwell I wouldn’t hesitate.

I feel however that Juice fasting is the way forward for me now. I plan to do a delicious ‘Juice Feast’ a couple of times a year … and if I feel the need I will add a few days of the magic and power of a water fast.

In the meantime I will keep on relishing my fermented foods and enjoying the new spring in my step with my new found vitality and well-being.

Wind Spirit Retreats

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