Am I really doing this???

Published on
July 31, 2024
I have just been through one of the biggest challenges of my life! … and I survived to tell the story.

What an epic adventure!

What was it? A 10 day fast ... 6 days of which were just Water!!!

Is she crazy you might ask yourself. On days 3 and 4 when all the detoxing was at its height I certainly felt crazy for doing it. Such a challenging experience with all the ups and downs ... but now that I am 3 days post fast I feel absolutely AMAZING!!!

Going through the fast is a pre-requisite to becoming a Tolman Health Coach. We need to experience what our clients might feel and really understand the ups and downs of the experience …. And boy did I feel it!

I did 6 days fasting on just water (a massive effort for my little body) and then continued on with juice.

David on the other hand did 10 days of water only … what a champion! So proud of him and I know the benefits to his health will be amazing. Science shows that fasting adds years to your life by eliminating cellular toxins that impair correct cellular respiration, elimination and regeneration. Looking forward to my new blood tests that will be taken next week when my body has settled and found its new and hopefully 'upgraded' rhythm.

Generally water fasts are up to about 3 days but anything longer than 3-5 days is considered an extended fast and is generally used for people with chronic health issues that need a full turn around and reset in their health.
Fasting definitely offers this.

In saying that, even a short water fast releases new stem cells into the body to heal, it resets the immune system, markedly improves digestion, reduces inflammation and greatly enhances autophagy, the body’s ability to self digest old plaque, growths, tumours and toxicity of all sorts.  
Juice fasting has similar results, it just takes longer.

After several days of 'Juice feasting' following the 6 days of water I have now eased back into simple foods. Having lost about 7 kg during the water fasting stage my body is absolutely loving the nourishment of whole foods and the weight is coming back on pretty quickly. I am doing some resistance training so hopefully lean muscle will be replacing the excess fat stores from before.

All in all I am feeling really good. Except for needing a little nap this afternoon my energy is vibrant and expansive, my mind feels clearer than it has been for ages and my body feels incredibly clean and alive!

Now that I have experienced water fasting I realise how easy Juice fasting is. In fact I’m going to call it Juice Feasting from now on because it is not only delicious but it gives the body the nutrients it needs to be vibrant while actually detoxing at a very deep level.

I now have such a renewed enthusiasm for Juice feasting, as it still gains amazing results without the major detox symptoms of a water fast. However in saying that, I would definitely try an extended water fast if I had a chronic, debilitating condition before going under the knife or undergoing other conventional and potentially toxic therapies.  
There is so much science coming out about the incredible health benefits of fasting and I am excited for the 2 month post fast milestone when you apparently feel phenomenal!!!

One of the most potent aspects of the fast for me was the way it held me in the present moment. It was so unexpected and so delicious to surrender to what is, curled up in the sun or in bed and allow my body to follow its innate wisdom and release.

Several days later I am still feeling incredibly spacious and still, as if my nervous system has unwound and I can finally completely relax. In fact I slept all night long last night, the first time for years that I haven’t woken at all!

So if you feel called to

- enhance your health,
- lose winter excesses,
- you need a general reset,
- your mind needs to unwind
-  your body is in need of care and cleansing,

join us at one of our upcoming Juice Feasts in October or November.

We also have just one room left for our 10 day Water + Juice fast in September. If you have never done any fasting we recommend starting with a Juice Feast before embarking on water.

See info and dates for our rejuvenating detoxes below.

Contact Sharon for more info

Upcoming Retreats

11-16th October
5 Day / 6 Night Juice Feast

30th November - 5th December
5 Day / 6 Night Juice Feast

14-24th September

9 Day / 10 night Detox - A deep dive into Juice and/or Water depending on your health needs and intentions. For people who have already experienced shorter Juice fasts. We have just one room available for this fast so book in quick if you are ready for the next level.

Please note: All cleanses include Journey work and many other supportive activities available at Wind Spirit.

Private Retreats
Contact Sharon to organise a Private Retreat at Wind Spirit for you, your family or a group of friends. We offer cleanses, emotional healing retreats, relaxation retreats ... or a mixture of all:)
Delicious food, Juices or just water ... we will craft the retreat that fully supports your body, mind and spirit.

A unique retreat just for you that will supercharge your wellbeing and
enhance your life!

More info on Wind Spirit here

After our mid winter water fast I would definitely NOT recommend this coldest time of the year LOL. Our upcoming retreats are being held in the warmth and vibrant fresh energy of Spring. It really is the perfect time to -

  • remove the toxic burden of ill-health
  • reset your physical body
  • reboot your immune system
  • restore digestive balance
  • clear out old outmoded ways and unhealthy beliefs

A fast is the fastest way to restore health and vitality back to your life.

As Tyler Tolman says :

'It makes me sad that SO many people suffer from chronic health conditions, have debilitating symptoms or are on lifelong medication when there are other solutions. There’s a plethora of new studies on fasting reducing symptoms and people being able to come off medication in many cases.

This is SUPER exciting for me as I also know that these studies are going to help open up a whole new bunch of people to fasting.'

Here’s a list of some of the chronic illnesses these studies show that fasting improves:


• Arthritis

• Diabetes

• Hypertension

• Cancer

• Bowel Diseases

• Chronic Inflammation

If you experience any of the above illnesses or know someone who does, contact me for information on the best way for you to fast with your particular condition, and how to safely fast when you have a chronic disease.

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